1- What does diversity mean
Diversity is about individual differences such as attributes, talents and characteristics and how all of these came together in a culture, where everyone can take part. The characteristics are set as you identity that defines who you are. Some of the characteristics you have are from the day you are born e.g. eye colour and race. Some of the other characteristics such as personality, interest and beliefs may change or develop over time.
2- What does equality mean
Equality protects by legal framework against discrimination, promotes equal opportunity and supports good relations between people with protected characteristics. There are core values of equality and diversity to everyone that works in health and social care. There are also covered on a lot of policies in your company individual rights, giving choice, respect and supporting the individual’s needs.
3- What does inclusion mean
Inclusion mean when you recognise and value the principles of equality and diversity in your day to day life. Everyone from all groups can be included in society and will feel valued and respected. When you these principles into your work as working in health and social care will put the individuals at the centre of their care, feeling valued and respected is essential to everyone emotional well-being.
4- What does discrimination mean
Discrimination is where someone is treated less favourably than someone else because one of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act. Discrimination where a person acts in a way that results in someone being treated unfairly.
An organisation or department are working in a way that means the individual is discrimination. This is what is normally called institutional. This can happen because the policies and the rules prejudices that affect people behaviour and culture of a department or company. This is normally because of the lack of knowledge and...