A. Use the matrix below to describe each approach to organizing information about the body. Discuss how each approach can be used.
|Approach |Describe the approach |How might the approach be used? |
| |Planes and directions can be studied by different |This approach might be used to determine what type of |
|Body planes and directions |positions and areas of the body. The different planes of |treatment is needed depending on what area of the body|
| |the body are: coronal, midsagittal, and transverse. |is affected by a particular ailment or injury. |
| |There are five different body cavities: cranial, spinal, |This approach can be used depending on the time of |
| |thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic. |illness or injury, a different body cavity will be |
|Body cavities | |examined. |
| |There are four different quadrants in the human body: |This approach helps determine which part of the body |
|Quadrant and regions |right upper, left upper, right lower, and left lower. |is injured, or where an illness is originating from. |
| |Study of structures of the body, and the study of the |This approach might be used to determine whether a |
|Anatomy and physiology |functions and workings of those structures. |particular part of the body is malfunctioning. |
| |This approach might be used to study the parts of the body|This approach might be used when examining the |
|Microscopic-to-macroscopic |that are too small for...