
Hitler’s Hunger For power
In the autobiography Mein Kampf , Hitler’s struggle and hunger for power would lead to his own downfall. In his early childhood , Hitler was greatly influenced by his father’s own determination in controlling his son’s life. His father, as said in a Portrait in Tyranny by Edward F. Dolan, . “was a very temperamental man and was full of pride and arrogance. And demanded the full attention of all his children. And never hesitated to beat his children with a leather strap.” His father Alois Shicklguber who, as a adult took the name Hiedler sometimes spelled Huttler or Hitler from his step father who was a wondering miller Johann Georg Hiedler. The change of last name from Shicklguber to Hitler would have proved fateful to Adolf who probably would not have gone very far in politics with such a comical last name such as Shicklguber. As said in A Portrait in Tyranny by Edward F. Dolan, “would Heil Schicklguber been taken as seriously throughout Europe. Since a comical Game. So the change of last name to Hitler was a great choice. Because Heil Hitler is a much more menacing chant.” Growing up Hitler wanted to become an artist but with his fathers determination to control Adolf’s life, Influenced him and forced him to become a civil servant. As said in Mein Kampf “ it was his basic opinion and intention that, like himself, his son would and must become a civil servant.” So in order to become an artist , Adolf would purposely fail his school work, In hopes that his father would cave in and let him become the artist he was urging to be. As said in his autobiography “ I did not want to become a civil servant, No, No again… I grew sick at the stomach at the thought of sitting in a office. Of being deprived of my liberty’s and of never being a master of my own time”. And he also said “ I thought that once my father saw how little progress I was making at the Realschule, he would let me devote myself to my dream of becoming an artist, whether he liked...