

The objective was to review the state of homelessness in the Atlanta, Georgia region along with reviewing other areas in the United States.   Homeless affects a considerable number of Georgians as well as people across the world.   Homelessness does not discriminate by race, age, or sex.   Homelessness carries with it a high load of illnesses, which affect not only the homeless but also communities and environment.
The review of homelessness provides an examination to provide sufficient actions to provide a bridge between homelessness and public health.
Definition of Homeless
In order to understand homelessness, it must be clear in understanding the definition for homeless.   Any individual who lacks a permanent, regular, and sufficient nighttime residence; has no prime nighttime dwelling that is either a public or a private shelter.   Homelessness does not only address the lack of shelter, but also a degree of social segregation

What We Know About the Homeless
Projections are that between 17,000 to 20,000 homeless live n the City of Atlanta, with several homeless people dying from the cold each year.   Atlanta has also gain the title of being the second meanest city towards the homeless.   Many people in Atlanta who are homeless also struggle with many medical problems, but the public health system is not well equipped to respond to their needs, leaving them with no access to treatment or recovery supports.   Many of the individuals who are homeless depend on such systems as the emergency rooms, hospital psychiatric bed, detoxification centers, jail, and treatment programs, which place a heavy load on the health, mental health, and correctional system.  
Homelessness contributes to illness through a number of factors physical and psychological stress, exposure to the elements, living in crowded, chaotic, unhealthy environments, lack of protection from an array of bacteria and viruses and social problems associated with poverty and the stigma of...