There are currently around seven billion people residing on planet earth today. All of these people are governed by the rules of society. Human society consists of the common man(majority), figureheads(celebrities, popular people), and those who actually hold real power. Most people are so insignificant in comparison to those who hold power and influence in the world such as the President, and even he is just an icon put there for everyone to point fingers at while the real crimes are committed behind closed doors. The common man is not aware and actually brainwashed into accepting our make-belief society. As Slartibartfast says in The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, “I always think the chance of finding out what is really going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied” (161). Society attempts to withhold information that we should know so they are able to proceed with their desired plan without interference. Through this book Douglas Adams illustrates the reality of our society and how the authoritative are willing to sacrifice the lives of the common man to profit themselves. Our Society will withhold information from us, tell us what they want us to know, and be stopped by nothing to achieve a goal which will ultimately benefit them and affect us in ways we will not notice until it is too late to take action
The book starts right into an example of our society and it’s over controlling methods. Arthur Dent, the protagonist, is being forced out of his house by the government in order for a highway to be built through his house. He was not notified about the plan and now it is too late for him to do anything. The government did not present him with the information, but it was there for him to view in the city hall. Society believes that individuals are so insignificant that they can bully around mankind and they won’t be affected. One of the workers tells Dent, “Have you any idea how much...