Hrm/210 Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action
Kelly Styles
September 18, 2011
Dr. Bea B. Bourne

Affirmative Action
I would like to recommend a few changes in the company in which affirmative action policies are implemented. Affirmative action is a policy or program that is aimed at countering discrimination against minorities and women, especially in employment and education settings.
Diversity is desirable and won't always occur if left to chance. Students starting at a disadvantage need a boost. Affirmative action draws people to areas of study and work they may never consider otherwise. Some stereotypes may never be broken without affirmative action. Affirmative action is needed to compensate minorities for centuries of slavery or oppression.
A teacher at Kansas State University by the name of Krishna Tummala states that affirmative action is a difficult subject (Potucek, 2003). This is because affirmative action can cause reverse discrimination in the education and work settings where it is used. However, affirmative action within work and education settings has been shown to open new doors for minority groups. These doors have led to areas of college education and areas of work where minority groups have not ventured into in the past.
Within the last 45 or more years, affirmative action has brought a greater sense of equality to the education and work force. Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Latino’s, and immigrants from all over the globe have flocked to the United States in an effort   to find and build a new life with the dream of raising their children in a society where everyone is treated as an equal.
The practice of affirmative action has provided positive qualities to an overall cultural diversity. Also, many people who would not have had opportunities to excel in life were given the changes through the affirmative action legislation. Affirmative action has more positive qualities than negative side effects. Many people who wouldn't have had any real...