Hrm/531 Professional Development

Professional Development Plan
Kisha L. Dixon
Dr.Olivia Herriford

The goal of this paper is to develop a professional development plan that will address the characteristics of “Learning Team C” including the team member designated as a manager.   If the plan is effective it can be used to determine the needs of the learning team.   The plan can also be used to assess their, skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals.   For my learning team we used the DISC Platinum Rule Assessment.   In the following paragraphs I will discuss their results and what I can do as a leader to ensure that my team can reach their goals.
During the first week of organizational leadership class all of the members of “Learning Team C” completed the DISC Platinum Rule Assessment.   The DISC Platinum Rule Assessment is a behavioral style assessment that breaks down the individuals predominant behavior styles; dominance, interactive, steadiness, and cautious.   There are also sixteen sub-styles that further define the area of the predominant style.   “Learning Team C” is comprised of a total of five members which none of the members have the interactive style.
Cautious Style
Krishna Dasika and James Olden are predominantly categorized as cautious in style.   Their tendencies include: being tense with themselves and others when under pressure, having a natural curiosity about people, being concerned about what people think, feel, and expect, having strong attachments to their personal interests, underestimating the time required to complete tasks, being intuitive and observant about situations and people, associating their self-worth with their work, and being intrigued by concepts, ideas, and processes.   Krishna sub-style is the master-minder.   The master-minder is motivated in increasing opportunities for unique and significant personal accomplishments.   They prefer to choose their own goals and work...