Unit 4 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care\par
Outcome 1
1.1 a) Physical abuse is when someone deliberately causes physical harm to another person such as cuts, bruises, broken bones or other injuries.\par
b) Sexual abuse is the forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another by the use of threats or coercion. Or by behaving in sexually inappropriate ways.\par
c) Emotional abuse is any act that diminishes a persons sense of identity, dignity and self worth. Such as verbal assault, isolation, humiliation, intimidation etc.\par
d) Financial abuse is the misuse of a persons funds or assets without their knowledge or consent and against their best interests.\par
e) Institutional abuse is where all people are treated the same by rigid routine, misuse of authority, denying of privacy, bullying, physical restraint etc. by an institution such as a care home. \par
f) Self-neglect is where an individual engages in neglectful or harmful behaviour of themselves such as neglecting personal hygiene, refusing to eat, causing bodily harm to themselves. etc.\par
g) Neglect by Others is the failure to fulfill the service users needs which they are unable to provide for themself.\par
1.2 a) Signs and symptoms of physical abuse could be bruising, fracturing, burns, bed sores, depression, fear, unexplained weight loss.\par
b) Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse could be a change in behaviour, loss of sleep, soreness around the genitals, STD's, pregnancy, torn, stained or bloody underwear.\par
c) Signs and symptoms of emotional abuse could be fear, depression, confusion, loss of sleep, change in behaviour, loss of confidence, lack of self esteem, withdrawn.\par
d) Signs and symptoms of financial abuse could be unusual activity in their bank account, unexplained withdrawals from the bank, unexplained shortage of money, unpaid bills, loss of trust, insecure, fearful,...