|HSC337.1 |Support individuals to identify the reasons and causes for, and the consequences of, their behaviour|
|HSC337.2 |Work with individuals to agree ways to manage their behaviour |
|HSC337.3 |Support individuals to evaluate actions to manage behaviour |
About this Unit
For this Unit you will be expected to support individuals to manage challenging behaviour.
The scope is here to give you guidance on possible areas to be covered in this Unit. The terms in this section give you a list of options linked with items in the performance criteria. You need to provide evidence for any option related to your work area.
Challenging behaviour can include: verbal abuse (racist comments, threats, bullying others); physical abuse (such as assault of others); self-destructive behaviour; behaviour which is destructive to other people; behaviour that is destructive to items within the environment; behaviour that is destructive to property; behaviour which is illegal.
Communicate using: the individual’s preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication.
Key people: family; friends; carers; others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship.
Your knowledge and understanding for this Unit will relate to legal requirements and codes of practice applicable to the scope of your work and others with whom you work; the nature of the work you are undertaking; your role and level of responsibility within your organisation (eg whether you have responsibility to support the work of others); the individuals, key people and others with whom you are required to work and the degree of autonomy you have for the management of your own work...