|EVIDENCE |Unit, Element, PCs |Knowledge |
|Whilst working with client F he was living with his mother, however he was offered a temporary furnished flat, which | | |
|he accepted. Whilst waiting to be given a move-in date I informed client F that we would need to look at his current | | |
|benefit entitlement as he would now need housing benefit on top of his existing benefits and this could affect his | | |
|D.L.A.and Income Support. I contacted the benefits agency at client F’s request to enquire if he was entitled to | | |
|housing benefit, which he was, and had an application for this sent out. When it arrived I supported client F to fill | |HSC345.11 |
|out as much of it as possible, however client F felt that perhaps an outside agency with specialist benefit knowledge |HSC345.1.1 | |
|would be more appropriate, I informed client F that I would look into this. I contacted an agency called “money |HSC345.1.3b | |
|matters” who specialized in debt management and benefits maximization to make an appointment. They informed me however|HSC345.2.1 |HSC345.18 |
|that client F would have to wait up to...