
Table of Contents

1. Two similairities between theeconomyof the Khoekhoe an that of the San.
2. Two reasons why the San were nomadic.
3. Two characteristics of decision-making in precolonial San community.
4. Two reasons wby the Khoekhoe practised transhumance
5. Two ways n which Khoekoe individuals who had lost their livestock
    managed to survive
6. How the economy and social organisation of the precolonial San
    suited the environmental co ditio s of southern Africa.
7. Discuss the role of chiefs in precolonial Khoekhoecommunities
8. Essay question

Question 1:

Khoekhoe communities who lived closeto the voast couldderive a substantial part of their diet from fishing and collecting shelfish. The San hunters formed a basis of the diet - meani g when times were though they made use of what ws aroundthem such as fruit,berries etc. Both the Khoekhoe and the San communities made use of hu ti g tneir food;wildanimals.

Question 2:

Because they were always on the move in search of game and plant foods. The San did not build permanent settlements , they preferred rock shelters as a temporary living site

Question 3:

According to the chiefs powers hisinterventions were limited. The ccouncil known as te elders consisted of the other clan leacers or otherkown as influential men. In the 17th century a unknown European noted that that "those whoare tbemospowerful among themaree theirrulers, butwithsolittlepower thatwithout theconsent of gbeoldest and richest heycan donothi g,butinareement wth thesethey can decide whether   to wage a war ,to change the pasture etc.

Question 4:

This was the the migration or movement ofpastroralist with heir livestock to areas with adiffferent climateorvegetatation at a diffrent seaso s i seaarch ofwaterresores as fresh pastures.

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8: