Racial Wealth Inequality and African Americans
Racial Wealth Inequality and African Americans
Until the society overcomes the wealth gap, it cannot be termed as color-blind. A color- blind society has practices that are subtle, nonracial and apparently institutional. The four frames of supporting color- blind racism include cultural racism, naturalization, abstract liberalism and minimization of racism. Cultural racism describes the cultural, racial inequality. Racial inequalities result from the stereotypical behavior among the minorities.
Naturalization goes ahead to explain inequality as the cause of occurrences that arise naturally. On the other hand, abstract liberalism is based on the ideas such as individualism, equal opportunities, and choice. Finally, racism minimization attempts to reduce the race factor as the main influence that affects life chances of most minorities. It also reduces the situations that would pose as a discrimination to the hypersensitivity of race as a topic.
Affirmative action has turned out to need strengthening, in as much as it is protected. The reflection of all the inequalities in the US societies is the wealth gap. The inequality, however, can be permanently closed. Doing so would require ending racism that would rise as the third American Revolution. In the past quarter century, there has been a huge gap in the wealth among the white Americans and the African- Americans in the United States. The difference is because of the economic policies and racial discrimination favoring the affluent (Shapiro, 2004). Compared to their African- American counterparts, typical white families tend to be five times more affluent.
There are more opportunities and fewer challenges for moderate income families in case they are white families unlike for African- American families. Equal opportunities among United States citizens would be that those with that opportunity will...