
HyperKalemia comes about when potassium levels in the blood get greater than average.   Chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis is disorders that cause hyperkalemia making the kidneys to slow the removal of potassium.   Aldosterone hormone regulates removal of potassium and sodium from the kidneys. Insufficient Aldosterone hormones will increase potassium levels, inducing hyperkalemia.  
Occasionally hyperkalemia possesses no symptoms.   Other times one might feel the Weak, numbness sensation, difficulty breathing, tiredness and Irregular heartbeat.
Potassium is needed for regulation of   metabolism, muscle tissues, digestion, and sustaining an equilibrium between the electrical and chemical actions of the body.   Hyperkalemia is induced from disorders that repress the kidneys' ability to eliminate potassium, causing kidney: failure, chronic or acute, glomerulonephritis, and possible rejection of a kidney transplant.
Excess potassium in the bloodstream is eliminated through the kidneys.   During kidney failure, potassium levels increase due to the kidneys are unable to remove the unneeded potassium causing plasma levels to go above 5.0mEq/L. Weakened cells may release potassium into the bloodstream quicker than the kidneys can eliminate the potassium.   Unneeded consumption of salt in the diet and certain medicines interferes with urinary excretion such as diuretics, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, and antibiotic trimethoprim affect blood potassium levels.  
Potassium is the most abundant intracellular cation. Potassium is crucial since many physiological actions take place, maintenance of cellular membrane, homeostasis of cell mass, and transmission of action potentials in neurons.   Primary dietary sources are vegetables, fruits, and meat. Excretion is done the digestive tract and the kidney.
During intense exercising, potassium is secreted from active muscle and the blood serum potassium rises to a level that would be serious during relaxation.   High levels of...