What happens after I return my enrolment form?
An email will be sent to you when your form has been received and registered on our
system. We will then call you and go through an eligibility check over the phone to confirm
your eligibility to study and to complete the enrolment process.
Starting your course
Once you have completed your eligibility check you will receive your username and
password via email within 2 working days. You can then begin your course.
Your course induction
When you log on, the first thing you will be asked to complete is an online induction. You
should complete your induction as soon as possible after you receive your username and
password via email. Your course deadlines will then be activated and will appear in your
action plan. You may be withdrawn from the course if you do not complete your induction
within 7 days.
Course deadlines
The course requires a minimum of 10 hours per week study time. Your first Unit
Assessment will be due no later than 3 weeks after completing your induction. If you do
not submit Assessments and complete the course within the timeframes outlined in your
action plan you may be withdrawn and charged an administration fee. Please get in touch if
you are unable to meet your deadlines before the assessment due date, as we may be able
to grant you a short extension.
About the course materials and Assessments
All course materials for each Unit can be found on the vision2learn platform. The
Assessment questions follow the same sequence as the course materials and are not timed
All Assessments can be accessed on the ‘my course’ section, and on the last page of the last
session in each Unit. These should be downloaded to your PC, then completed and sent to
your tutor directly via the course menu and the assessment links on the ‘My study’ page.
Your tutor and course support
Throughout your studies you will be assigned to a dedicated online tutor,...