Identifying the Body

Health and social care diploma level 2
Anatomy & Physiology for Health & Social Care
Tutor: pamla
Unit 7
Assignment 1
Student: Shannon Mariah DORE-HYLAND

TASK 1 |

Identify the organisation of the human body and the position of the main organs by completing the diagram bellow. (P1) |
This is the liver which is part of the (digestive system) which is found just above the large and small intestine.

This is the male penis which is in front of the testicles at the top between the legs, and this is part of the male (reproductive system).
This is the male testicles which are found of the body just at the top of the legs the lower part behind the male penis and this is part of the male (reproductive system).
The ovaries this is also part of the female (reproductive system)
This is our kidneys which is part of the (urinary system).
This is the endometrium or the uterus both of which is part of the female (reproductive system).
This is the pancreas which is found in front of the liver and stomach, which is another part of the (digestive system).
This is the human heart which pumps blood around the body also known as the (cardiovascular system).
These are our lungs also known as our (respiratory system).
This is the stomach which is found just under the liver and just above the large and small intestine which is also part of the (digestive system).
This is the Brain also known as the (central nervous system).

Illustrate the structure and function of two major body systems and how they interrelate. (P2)
Systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, digestive, excretory, reproductive, musculoskeletal
You can achieve this criterion by describing 2 body systems, identifying the organs involved and their function, and describing how the two body systems chosen work together to maintain homeostasis.

The nervous system:
This is the brain also known as the central nervous system

The nervous...