Ilm 1

Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance.


I am employed as a team manager for Falkirk Councils Children and Families department. I am based within one of the seven area teams which cover the Falkirk Council area. I currently supervise a senior social worker, nine social workers and one social work assistant. My other responsibilities include prioritise and allocate work, manage the teams resources, ensuring that staff are deployed and services directed to meet the needs of the community in the most effective way possible. I have to work within agreed budgets set out at the beginning of the financial year and account for any overspend within. I also work as part of a management team delivering services in line with my employer’s vision, values, policies and procedures contained within the Social Service Plan and Priorities.

I believe that I have several main areas of responsibility such as to identify and address the individual needs and manage performance of team members. Along side this sits the need to ensure that a response, allocation and progression of work within the team appropriately meet the needs of children identified as in need of protection from abuse. However I am also responsible for supporting the council’s visions and priorities both internally and externally.

Falkirk Social Work department has three services Childcare, Community Care and Criminal Justice. Childcare and Criminal Justice have a joint Head of Service. Childcare then has three Service Managers with one of them being my direct line manager. I am one of eleven Team managers within childcare with seven of those; myself included managing an area childcare team. As previously stated I manage a team of eleven staff.

AC 1.1  
(Describe the goals and objectives of my organisation)

As with the majority of large organisations Falkirk council have their Vision Goals and Outcomes, these can be found in the One Council One Plan...