Introduction to your organisation.
CCB is a community centre registered charity based in the heart of ******* Town. We provide a range of services to the local community. We have an over 50’s project called *************** ,a youth club: Youth Project for 13 – 19 year olds, an after school club called the ******** Project for 8 – 13 year olds and an under 5’s drop-in which I manage.
Our vision and aim is to provide services “To respond to the educational, recreational and social needs of local residents”
******** is an under 5’s drop-in, we are an outreach service where children can come with their parents and carers to play and meet other parents and carers from the local area. We provide a safe environment to play with a wide range of varied activities. We are also a signposting service and make referrals to other services like nurseries, children’s centres, social safeguarding, speech and language therapists, NHS amongst others. Our aims are to target ‘hard to reach’ children, parents and carers. The risk to these families can be reduced when the families receive extra support, especially at an early stage.
Present Situation (Analysis of problem).
As our organisation is charity funded, time, budget and staff constraints are normal everyday. Finding and implementing a solution to a problem is going to cost time and money.
We recently had a situation where we had a budget cut in the new funding contract which resulted in a reduction in front line staff. Instead of two drop-in assistants we now have one and I support them on a daily basis, this has had a knock on effect on my workload. Through informal discussions between myself, the drop-in assistant and the administrator we have admitted to not being able to ‘carry on’ providing a quality environment without more ‘man power’ or staff support.
We arranged a staff meeting to discuss the problem; we have had a funding cut, we need an extra member of staff to support day to day...