The impact that social media has had on the entire world is huge! It seems that virtually every product we use these days, whether it be physically or electronically, usually have a Facebook page associated with it. According to Browser Media, Socialnomics, MacWorld (2013), there are currently 1.4 Billion Facebook users worldwide. So naturally these marketing departments are taking advantage of networks like these to capitalize on their chances to broaden their customer base(s).
I can definitely say that social media has affected a number of my purchases in the past and continues to do so today. Like a lot of other people in this world, I one day woke up and realized just how sick and tired I was of smoking. It was a number of things that made me want to really quit, which included smelling like smoke all the time, having to chew gum and breath mints all of the time, and just my overall appearance. I had been hearing about these electronic cigarettes for a while now and I figured I’d start doing my research. It was an overwhelming experience. If you’ve ever been in the market for these e-cigs, you’re well aware of just how many of them there are out there. With some many being readily available you have to start checking the pros vs. cons of each. This is where social media played a large part in my decision making process.
I reached out to some of my Facebook friends to pick their brains and get some insight on what I’m getting myself into, because I was really serious about quitting. I got some feedback on Blu cigs, NJoy e-cig, and a number of other vaporizers. As I stated earlier, there are a ton of these e-Cigs out there so it was just a matter of narrowing them down. After a ton of research I ultimately ended up with the Blu e-Cig. Along with my Facebook friend’s insight, I also took into consideration the reviews that real users had left on the Blu website. Of course there were negative...