Even from a brief glance to different people's lifestyles we can simply grasp this fact that people practically show different attitudes toward earning money; although they might come up with a spontaneous response, often considered as a cliche, which an easy life is preferred. In fact, some people dedicate their life to earn extra money even if they have saved enough for whole life of their heirs. On the other hand, some people try to enjoy their life instead of wasting it to earn money.
I strongly believe that people whose main concern is money underestimate the value of an ultimately crucial factor; peace of mind. No price can be assigned to a bit of calmness if the caustic effect of stress is taken into consideration. So it can be an inappropriate trade if we lose our serenity to gain more money.
Aside from composure, another important point which should not be overlooked is that we can think about much more laudable ambitions when we are not obsessed with money all the time. Science and art are just two instances of what we can gain instead of extra money. The time which is spent on business can be spent in schools and galleries in order to enrich our lives with science and art instead of wasting it for accumulating wealth.
The above-mentioned points are not the only accomplishments of an easy lifestyle; when we do not waste our time for earning extra money we have enough time to enjoy our lives. In fact this is the real aim of gaining money. We do anything to enhance our lives to enjoy it more so why should we forget this fact when it comes to money.
Taking all these factors into account, we readily can draw this conclusion: the things you own end up owning you, which means when one works round the clock for twenty years to purchase a house, the house, actually, owns him.