Improving Team Productivity Through Motivation and Employee Empowerment

Creating a team environment that is both productive for the organisation and meets personal expectation is a challenge for today’s management.   The complexity of teams requires careful consideration of a range of elements.   This essay uses theories of teams to explain how leadership and team norms can undermine the effectiveness of a team based upon the case study of the packaging department of Treetop Forest Products.   Team cohesiveness can produce either positive or negative results.   Teams that develop negative perceptions from the company may work together in opposition to company goals.   The essay describes the need to build upon the team characteristics and create recognition for its success that is valued.  
Strategies to increase production for the packaging team using employee empowerment, effective leadership and team rewards use the knowledge already in existence with current employees.   Examples of work environments that draw upon employee’s knowledge demonstrate team success and organisational commitment.   The model of Quality Circles is presented to increase the productivity of the packaging team.   The ability to use employee knowledge for the company provides the employee with a sense of power which is both motivating and rewarding.
Team Effectiveness
Contemporary management practices use teams as a critical process for increasing organisational effectiveness.   The evolution of teams in the workplace included creation of teams for specific functions both formally and informally, grouping of like (homogeneous) and unlike (heterogeneous) members to resolve issues and establishing departments or faculties.   The workforce is increasingly being characterised by the use of teams in place of the multi-layers of management across a broad range of industries.   For teams to work effectively, management must acknowledge and address the complex conditions required in terms of the team’s design and processes.   Team effectiveness is defined...