This essay will examine five ways of identifying a setting as inclusive.
I work as a Pupil Support Assistant in a primary school and I have a son on the autistic spectrum. I will reflect on my life experiences and the course material within this essay and how this has influenced my understanding of inclusion.
Inclusion is about belonging, being happy and feeling valued within school and wider community, regardless of age, ability, ethnicity or social background. The settings should be demonstrating the rights model “social justice is frequently identified and the key driver for inclusive education” Thomas and Vaughan quoted in (E214, Unit 1, p.14). I also believe good inclusive practise should demonstrate the social model, “it is society, not a person’s impairment that is seen as disabling and by disabling barriers that are attitudinal, environmental and structural, we should have a more inclusive society. “(E214, Unit 3, p. 104).
The five criteria I have chosen for identifying a setting as inclusive are as follows:-
1. Differentiation
Differentiation relates to the strategies used by teachers to plan for pupils of differing needs within the same class or group. There are both positive examples of these allowing pupils to be more inclusive and negative within the settings on the (E214 DVD 2). The head teacher from Bannockburn high school believes “Inclusion means trying to provide a curriculum structure, or an educational provision that will meet all of their needs”
Gregor a pupil at Bannock burn is described as having a disability. His mother has seen a big difference in his confidence recently. The teacher discussed how “we would just adapt his work; they would always do the same sort of work”. His mother has also observed “he’s improving this year, in primary he was given separate, which he didn’t like”. This a positive example where by removing barriers to Gregor's learning and adapting his work he feels more......