
Data Protection Act 1998
This act is concerned with the storing and accessibility of personalinformation. It designed to prevent confidential information and personal information from being passed on without the persons consent, I must not discuss any information with any of the parents in the nursery or any of my colleagues without prior permission from the parent guardian who it is relevant to , the only time I may disclose information is when it may cause harm to the child , in which case I must contact the designated safe guarding officer who will then follow the necessary procedure and steps that are in place to carry out a full investigation.

The Equality Act 2010 simplifies thecurrent laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation it looks at the social, economic and cultural factors of the child’s life for example;   Being in care and health status.  

The main features of discrimination and inequality in society are shown through The various forms of discrimination, the groups most likely to experience discrimination and the possible effects of discrimination on the children and families are: disability, ethnic, cultural, race, religion, gender, age, sexuality, social economic group.
People are discriminated against because of stereotypical views held about the group they belong to or are perceived to belong to.
Types of discrimination are direct, indirect, segregation and victimization. This can lead to missed opportunities that may affect the child's experiences and development, low self-esteem, low confidence, low self-worth, low self value, confused identity and fear of rejection.