Inclusive Practice

The term ‘Inclusive learning’ was first defined in 1996 with the release of the “Tomlinson Report”. Inclusive practive enables us to recognise and accomodate the requirements of all learners, therefore removing barriers to learning.

The report revolutionised the way we teach and how students with barriers to learning are perceived within the educational system. The report highlighted the transition from old methods to new. It also recognised that previous approaches to teaching and learning had been less successful such as making “students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities different from or more special than other learners” The report indicates a requirement to move away from labeling students and creating difference between them. Instead, there must be greater emphasis for the institution to create a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Much of the way we perceive others is defined by actions and events around the world which have lead to policies and acts changing our attitudes and actions towards others. Countless acts, policies and legislation have been passed to get where we are today. In the 70’s the Race Relation act was passed following marches in America. Women were considered equal after the post-war womens movement. In 1995 the first Disability act was passed but was improved a number of times until the current Equality Schemes we operate today.

“The aim is not for students to simply take part in further education but to be
actively included and fully engaged in their learning. At the heart of our thinking lies the idea of match or fit between how the learner learns best, what they need and want to learn and what is required from the FE sector, the college and teachers for successful learning to take place” (

All students are different and require individual support. However, some students require additional support. Some students may also have...