Indigenous Australians

The group I have chosen to research is the Aboriginal group.

Q1. Describe how this group experiences social exclusion and inequality.
In all social indicators, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples rate as among the most disadvantaged peoples in Australia, including , employment, health, standard of living and incidence of family violence. They are also grossly over-represented in the child protection and criminal justice systems. The disparity is so great that the life expectancy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is 12 years less for males and 10 years less for females than the corresponding rates for their non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counterparts.

indicators of indigenous social disadvantage.
The key measeures in these areas for indigenous people nationally nclude:
Education – According to 2011 Australian censs:
  * 1.6% of the indigenous population had not attended school camared with 0.9% of the non-indigenous population.
  * 29% of indigenous people reported year 10 as their hightest year of school completion; 25% had compledted year 12, compared with 52% of non-indigenous people.
  * 26% of indigenous people reported having a post-school qualification, campared with 49% of non-indigenous people.
Employment – according to the 2011 Australian census;
  * 42% of indigenous people aged 15years or older were employed campared to 61% of non- indigenous population
  * 17% of indigenous people aged 15 years or older were unemployed compared to 5% of non-indigenous population.

Issues in society v 376

Overrepresentation in the criminal justice system
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia are substantially over-represented in the criminal justice system. This is caused by an interplay of complex historical and contemporary factors including dispossession...