Influencing Artisit - Roy Nachum


Roy Nachum

Wonder by Roy Nahum has inspired me with the simplicity of the lines from the body down to the dress and how it fades away which makes the girl’s face stand out. The concept of the painting is to show how Braille evokes the audience who interact with the painting. There is one girl representing to one shows the soft side “her placing her hands together” and the other one “her hands are strong”. The Braille has inspired me to create my story of how a relative is blind, and that blind is still seen through art. The simple soft colours white, grey and a light skin tone, is able to show the Braille on top of the painting.

Reflection by Roy Nachum has also inspired me with my body of works, project Yet again the simplicity of the artwork is able to bring out the meaning of the artwork. The blue paint that is only on top of the girl half way through shows a different side to the painting giving it a little light , the colour is able to represent what is been said in the poem “ I saw you at the edge of light, Blushing and dream like you appeared in the sun....” Braille tactile is also seen in this artwork representing the poem by Nachum.

Gorilla King Part 2
Gorilla’s are seen through Roy Nachcum’s artworks, He presents Gorillas that every humans were born free and equal in dignity, which is the same animal from the same great mother living in this one. The simple gold thorns that are placed on each of the gorillas face influenced me just by the simplicity and how far the concept of the artwork is able to come out with the Braille that is seen on them.


The oil on canvas is able to bring this piece of artwork come to life, the tone and colours that are used throughout the painting makes it real even with the Braille that is seen in this artwork. The use of oil on canvas gives it a clean land smooth look through the painting,