1. Purpose: To provide guidance on the preparation and use of an information paper.
2. Facts:
a. An information paper provides facts in a clear, concise, and logical format (e.g., for use in a discussion paper or trip book.) The format may be altered to meet a specific need.
b. Include the subject and the purpose. Paragraphs will contain only the essential facts concerning the subject. Papers will be self explanatory and will not refer to enclosures except for tabular data, charts, or photographs. For CGSC purposes, replace the office symbol with staff group number (example SG 4B).
c. Papers should not exceed one page in length and will not exceed two pages in length. They need not be signed, but must include the action officer’s name and telephone number in the lower right corner. Include an approval line below the AO name and number.
d. Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations, except for those that are familiar outside of the Army (e.g., DoD, ARSTAF, etc.).
e. Avoid using classified information when it does not contribute to understanding the issue.
f. The student will furnish the instructor with a copy accompanied by a completed Information Paper 1009w. Furnish copies to each member of your case study group.
g. The information provided in your paper will be used by your case study group to further their understanding of the topic. Because of this, it is important to be clear, concise, and above all, accurate.
h. Ordinarily you would not cite sources in an information paper. However, since this is an academic setting, you are required to cite your sources for this assignment as in a standard essay. This will ensure that your instructor knows where your material came from, and will provide you and your classmates with a collection of resources for future use.