Information Systems and Software Application
Companies use Information Systems and Software Applications to run their businesses efficiently today. These systems and applications are used in just about every department in the company to perform their day-to-day operations. The most successful companies even use marking software to advertise their products and services. This software helps to create catalogs, maintain customer databases, and manage marketing projects (Marketing central, 1998 - 2009). Some marketing departments use the software to conduct such task as market and or customer analyzing to include doing competition analyzing, pricing and sales reviews, market research, and historical trends. They also use software applications to plan on how to allocate money and time for product and service sales increase to include the review and creation of marketing objectives for the release of any new products, and promotions the company will use to grow the company. Software applications also assist with producing promotions and target market offerings like marketing materials such as commercials, brochures, emails, logos, and advertising. I have even seen software applications used to measure the results of these different efforts to include reports showing results of return on marketing investments, customer response rates, and marketing efforts.
Most accounting departments use software applications to conduct their daily routines. Small and Large Companies alike use the software applications for small and complex task with cost that vary depending on the amount of work the task will take to accomplish. Accounts payable and receivable are completed using accounting software applications. When it comes to payroll, billing and task that the accounts have to accomplish there are different software applications. There are also some other accounting programs that can also be used for project record keeping (Wise Geek, 2003 - 2010).
One of the...