Intelligence Report - Personality

Test of Auditory Processing, Visual-Spatial Thinking and Short Term Memory of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Model of Psychometric Abilities
Lachie Calder
This test is designed to measure 3 specific psychometric abilities of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model. An individual upon taking the test is given 5 questions increasing in difficulty for each of the three different abilities being tested (Auditory Processing, Visual-Spatial Thinking and Short Term Memory). The Auditory Processing test consists of 5 sets of tunes where an individual is required to state the whether a certain note in that tune is higher in pitch than the other notes. For example, a tune of 4 notes is played to the subject. These notes will vary in pitch and the correct answer is the note with the highest pitch. The Visual-Spatial Thinking test consists of 5 images which resemble no real life object, person or location. The subject must replicate the image, drawing it with a pencil without looking at the image as a reference. The Short Term Memory test consists of 5 sets of memory game type questions. The subject is shown a specific number of random solid objects and then has to leave the room/cover their eyes and the test administrator will not only rearrange the position of the objects but also take 1-2 of the objects away. The subject must then state what objects are missing. These tests are based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Model of Psychometric abilities where the abilities consist of the following.

Auditory Processing Ability to think using auditory information
Ability to identify, analyse, comprehend, combine and work out the difference between sounds.
Ability to store and recall sound patterns (eg. Pitch, tones, rhythms, voices)  
Visual-Spatial Thinking Ability to think using visual images.
Ability to perceive, analyse and generate visual shapes and patterns.
Ability to store and recall visual information and representations.  
Short Term Memory Ability to attend to,...