
The Interconnection

The Canadian nursing profession is regulated by legislature and guided by nursing   theories. College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) are established to promote good practice, prevent poor practice and intervene when unacceptable practice occurs (CAN, 2008). The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) also strives to influence and promote healthy public policy (RNAO, 2006). In this paper I will illustrate the interconnection of nursing regulatory documents and nursing theories. As examples, I will use such values as client well-being, client choice and trusting client-nurse relationships that are central for both human science nursing theories (NSNT) and regulatory documents.   I will analyze similarities and contrasts based on three human science nursing theories: Parse’s theory of human becoming, Watson’s theory of human caring, and Newman’s theory of health as expanded consciousness. In addition, I will suggest how the gaps in reflection of these three points in HSNT and legislature and professional standards can be filled.

Client Well-Being

Client well-being, or health, is reflected and illuminated in all HSNT as a central value of nursing practice. Parse’s human becoming theory views health as a personal commitment, a process of becoming as experienced and described by the person. In this worldview, a goal and a purpose of nursing is quality of life from the person’s perspective (Parse, 1996). Newman's Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness perceives well-being as the expansion of consciousness that encompasses conditions known as disease as well as states where disease is not present (Parker, p. 219).   Watson’s Theory of Human Caring defines health as harmony of mind-body-soul human dimensions. Conscious or subconscious disharmony leads to illness and disease. Watson envisions nursing role in restoring the inner harmony of a patient (Parker, p. 299) or helping persons gain a higher...