
Interlanguage (IL); a term introduced by Selinker(1972), means the intermediate states or interim grammars that are portrayed by learner's language on its way to the achievement of the mastery of the target language, according to Troike(2006:41).IL is a dynamic phenomenon which can be illustrated with a continuum of which one end is L1 and the other end is L2. The learner constantly moves forward the interlanguage continuum of which the destination is the native like mastery of the target language, unless stopped by fossilization. Fossilization means the learner will not achieve the total mastery of L2, but will stop somewhere in the middle with her/his language still affected by errors. However, the successful learner constantly moves along the IL continuum and it can be called the development in the IL. This development could be accelerated or decelerated due to a myriad of reasons. Thus, different aspects of the learning process help the development of IL. Comprehension is one such aspect.
                The notion of comprehensible input as the primary and sole factor contributing to language acquisition was theoretically put forward by Krashen, via his Input Hypothesis. It was one of the five hypotheses presented by Krashen, pertaining to language acquisition. According to Krashen(1982), one acquires language only in one way- by exposure to comprehensible input. Input needs to comprise form and structures slightly beyond the learner's current level of competence for both comprehension and acquisition to take place. Krashen further exemplifies this with the formula, "i+1" where "i" is leaner's current level of competence and"1" the comprehensible input the learner is exposed to according to Lightbown ,P.M   and Spada, N.(1999:39).
Nonetheless,Krashen failed to corroborate his Input Hypothesis by means of empirical studies. Although he admitted that some people did not exhibit a satisfactory level of proficiency in spite of being exposed to extensive...