Originally published in Harvard Business Manager in February, 2010 in Germany
less painful and for corruption to disappear from everyday life- there will be only one opportunity left for them that they will come to Indian as tourists to spend money and not earn it as businessmen. Today India needs every conceivable support for the realization of its growth and to satisfy the hunger of the consumer population, as it is only here that one can do good business and earn good money. Some German companies are well established in India and have already earned substantial amount of profit. But for many, today the question is not whether they should go to India, but where and how.
Modalities of JV with small and medium size India in parts n Companies
India is a land of "impossibilities that often make the impossible possible" Arun Gairola*
Although India is known for its poor infrastructure, crippling bureaucracy and widespread corruption, many German companies are attracted to it. The German media has publicized the attractiveness of the setting up of operations in India; a country which has developed as an economic power and in these times of the bad economic environment in the western business world. Even small and medium sized companies in Germany are forced into establishing ventures in India. India is home to over 1 billion people and with its over 300 million middle-class consumers it represents a very important market. But opportunities are always accompanied by risks. This must be anticipated and avoided in order to succeed in India in the long run. Companies that are still waiting for the Indian infrastructure to match German standards, for the bureaucracy to be
Despite the global economic crisis, the Indian economy will grow by 6%, which the Western industrial nations cannot even dream of. To assist companies through this venturous journey, there is a number of governmental and parastatal (quasi-autonomous non-governmental) organizations. In...