1. The University of Alberta Facility Inventory System provides a computerized inventory of equipment on campus for departmental, faculty and central administrative functions.
Facility Inventory System has the responsibility to ensure that all new equipment acquisitions are inventoried. Initially, this involves scrutinizing all completed purchase orders, followed by an
Equipment Inventory staff member locating and tagging the equipment and processing the information.
Only Facility Inventory System has the ability to provide with the complete task by using borrowing with lending system that elaborate the data user.
2. School of Informatics University of Edinburgh stated that Inventory System is about purchase details: when, cost, description, who paid, supplier Detailed record of equipment owned including changeable elements such as current location Disposal details: when, how, residual value Basis for insurance record Planning (e.g. for replacing old equipment) Legal requirements.
B. Local
1. In this study conducted by Ariel Magat (2002), he stated that the Inventory System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The proper safekeeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually would lead to the success attainment of the goal and objectives of institution, agency and department concerned.
Based on her recommendation there should be a central record management office that will hold data of the agency to serve as locator of the record and to control the disposal of each record. This can be possible through the use of computerized system. Computer with the appropriate software package is capable of handling records efficiently and effectively. And locating records that are computerized is faster than finding them in the filling cabinet.