Google and various websites.
Every Child Matters
Thanks to various colleagues
Module One
Learning Activity 1
I have been asked for Module 1 to investigate my work setting. At the end of this module I will be able to:
1. Carry out a self-audit of personal knowledge and skills based on the requirements identified in the first learning outcome.
2. Identify the requirements and competencies of my work role.
3. Describe the organisation of my workplace and my position in it.
4. Identify opportunities for my further learning in the workplace (start of my personal development plan).
5. Develop a Learning Journal.
6. Consider how my own learning can contribute to my work role and enhance my work place.
I firstly approached the module by printing off the Learning activities. I found this a useful piece of information and from it I was able to put together my Individual Learning Plan (ILP). I began to check through my ILP and checked each intended learning outcome and each learning activity. I then went on to look
at each learning activity in more detail.
Learning Activity 1
Researching the key requirements and competencies of my role:
I started off by looking at my main role in the school; the role of the LSA with full responsibility for delivering Art and Design using the WJEC board at Entry level. I listed the requirements that I felt were needed for an LSA...