Journal Article Review

COUN 506
Integration of Psychology and Theology
Journal Article Review
Developing a Spiritual Assessment Toolbox:
A Discussion of the Strengths and Limitations of
Five Different Assessment Methods

Liberty University Online
COUN 506
Integration of Psychology and Theology
Journal Article Review
Developing a Spiritual Assessment Toolbox:
A Discussion of the Strengths and Limitations of
Five Different Assessment Methods

Liberty University Online

This is an article review from an industry journal titled, Health and Social Work, 30(4), 314-323., that presents information regarding the development of five Spiritual Assessment Tools.   The article covers the overall recognition of health care professionals in the fields of Psychology and Health Care of the need to address the spiritual aspects of a client’s life, especially when the client is deeply steeped in certain traditions and cultural influences.   The author provides a descriptive analysis of each approach; he also generally discusses the strength and limitations of each of the five methods.   The Five Spiritual Assessment Tools are comprised of: Spiritual Histories which is the only verbally based method and four pictorially based assessments, respectively, Spiritual Lifemaps; Spiritual Genograms; Spiritual Ecomaps; and Spiritual Ecograms.
These five methods take a qualitative approach, rather than quantitative.   The goal is to use a “best fit” principle for the client when selecting assessment tools. These tools help to provide the practioner with a window into the clients’ life and can expose their worldviews. The clients’ worldview in many cases is significant because it speaks to the core of their attitudes and behavior. Thereby, giving the practioner insight from which they can develop and customize a strategy and treatment plan.
It should be noted that research has grown in this area as many industry professionals have come to realize the positive impact of...