K319 Tma1

In this assignment I will be discussing and critically reflecting on how my own life course has affected me as a person, the way I receive health and social care services. I will be applying the concept from block 1 of the module which looks at adulthood, ageing and the life course. For instance in block 2 I was introduced to the idea of a life course and what is known as ‘the life course perspective’ coving the five aspects discussed by Bengtson et al., (2005) cited LG3. He refers to this as a systematic way of taking account of someone’s whole life when offering or receiving care.   In block 3 i learnt about the five aspect of the life course perspective in principles and I linked this to the scenario I chose to discuss in this assessment,
According to Bridges, 1980 cited LG3, while individuals may experience a change in their environment, it does not essentially mean that they have made an effective transition. He continues by pointing out that a transition is more an internal process in a kind of neutral zone resulting a period of endings or separation and if the transition is successful, there can be a beginning incorporating the experiences that have gone before.
Davies (2005, p. 670 cited LG4 ) confirms this, suggesting that ‘the way in which the transition to nursing home care is managed exerts a significant effect on the quality of life for older people and their family caregivers’. In particular, Davies argues that it is important to identify and authenticate the role of family care givers in such transitions, as although it may be self-evident, it may not be acknowledged sufficiently that a transition for one person incurs transitions and adjustments for those with whom they have close relationships.
The importance of reflection