Keep Your Religion Out of My Government
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Now these words are a little more personal to religion considering they have been responsible for more wars then anything else on this planet. So, why would we want something like that, not only involved, but controlling the people and policies that run our country? Because it gives us a crutch to lean on when were feeling down? Suck it up and deal with your problems like every person has to.
Religion in its purist form was a legitimate idea in the sense of promoting peace and prosperity, but lets face it, not only has it deviated from its original course, but it has been the biggest impetus behind the death of millions if not billions of people. However one should look at where this atrocity came from and try to understand it roots before diving into the numerous problems it has amassed over the 5000 years it has been on this planet.
The original religions can be broken up into three categories. The first would be a polytheistic religion. Translated literally, it means belief of more than one god, which is exactly what it was. Some of the first advanced civilizations used this type of religion. Places like Egypt, Rome, and Greece are all great examples. Grecians prayed to gods for everything. They had the god Poseidon that they prayed to for storms and weather in order to have a peaceful and safe voyage on the ocean. Egypt had the god Ra, who was the patron of the sun, heaven, kingship, power, and light. Some theologians have the idea that believing in multiple gods came from past experiences. the advancement of polytheism is found typically through one nation conquering another. Once they take over, they typically forbid the current religion. When Rome conquered Greece, they forbade the Grecians from practicing their beliefs in Gods such as Zeus and Hades. However, there are a lot of similarities between the majority of these cultures. The Roman god of war, Mars who...