
Kin relations differ and change with socio-economic and cultural contexts. Discuss with                 illustrative examples.
This paper seeks to interrogate the impact that colonialism, economic changes, the advent of new religions, advances in medical science reconfigured gender relations, poverty, the breaking down of traditional beliefs about marriage and family and HIV and Aids have all had in redefining kinship. Under discussion will be a variety of relationships, those established through blood (consanguinal), marriage (affinal), through descent or lineage, by adoption, fostering, same sex unions ,divorce, and various fictive kin relations where individuals are not related at all.
Kinship encompasses the norms, roles, institutions and cognitive processes referring to all the social relationships that people are born into, or create later in life, and that are expressed through, but not limited to a biological idiom.’- Laurent Dousset
According to Giddens, kinship ties are connections between individuals, established either through marriage or through the lines of descent that connect blood relatives (mothers, fathers, siblings, offspring, etc. Sociology 6th ed. pg 331
Kinship is an essential concept of human existence and is at the centre of shaping all social relations and arrangements. According to Lavenda and Schultz (Cheater 2000) kinship is the various systems of social organisations that societies have constructed and it is guided by principles of universal human experiences. Kinship is an arrangement that facilitates and enables people to live together harmoniously.
For many Westernized societies kin have traditionally been of a consanguinal nature, making up the nuclear family (parents and children). However is breaking down due to due to industrialization and modernization. With individuals moving from home, sometimes even to other countries, in search of jobs ,the family of orientation(that of one’s birth) is quickly broken up while...