Kudler Fine Foods

Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Part A: Trust and Interpersonal Relationships


Team trust is “the belief that an individual or group   (a) makes good-faith efforts to behave in accordance with any commitments both explicit and implicit, (b) is honest in whatever negotiations preceded such commitment, and (c) does not take excessive advantage of another even when the opportunity is available” (Cummings & Bromley, 1996, p. 303). Trust is an integral part of a team’s success. We will discuss the assumption of truth within a team, analyze the implications of assuming trust on team performance, and discuss ways how trust can be kept and lost when working in teams.

Trust is Assumed

      In a team, trust is assumed primarily because of the time constraint and diversity among the members.   Swift trust explains the paradoxical trusting behavior displayed by members of new temporary project teams (Robert Jr., Dennis, & Hung, 2009). Team members immediately form trust and begin engaging in trusting behaviors. Each member relies on each other and put their trust on each other to perform until trustworthiness is compromised.

      The members know their capabilities; therefore assume the others will bring forth the same effort, energy, and attention to the team. According to Jordan D. Lewis (2000), “Mutual need creates the opportunity for an alliance to meet the defined objectives of each partner. Strong interpersonal relationships make the alliance strong.” Trust induces open communication and provides a comfortable atmosphere. “When trust exists in an organization almost everything else is easier and more comfortable to achieve” (Heathfield, Susan). Members can relax because their team members will take care of their responsibilities in a timely and agreed manner.

Implications of Assumed Trust on Team Performance

      The basis for trust in any interpersonal relationship is an effective communication tool which also requires not only...