Kudler Fine Foods


Kudler Fine Foods
Strategic Plan
Don Hudson
April 12, 2010
University of Phoenix STR581

Executive Summary…………………………………………………3
Company Background………………………………………………3
Value Statements……………………………………………………5
Mission Statement…………………………………………………..7
Generic Strategy…………………………………………………….7
Grand Strategies…………………………………………………….7
Long Term Objectives………………………………………………8
Shot Term Objectives……………………………………………...10
Contingency Plans…………………………………………………10
Critical to Success Factors…………………………………………11
Environmental Scan and Summary………………………………..12
Internal Analysis…………………………………………………...13
External Analysis…………………………………………………..14
Value Chain Analysis……………………………………………...16
SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………20
Resource Based Analysis…………………………………………..21
PEST Analysis……………………………………………………..22
List of Appendixes………………………………………………...26

Executive Summary
      This paper examines the current state of the organization, Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) by considering its background, financial status, operations, original and future vision and mission statements as stated by the owner, Kathy Kudler. It expands upon the owner’s desire to continue growth by creating and suggesting a new vision for the organization that continues to build on the organization’s original set of values and mission. The internal and external environments are examines. A new generic strategy and new grand strategies are presented and supported by long and short term objectives, and contingency plans and critical success factors are identified to mitigate unforeseen issues that may occur.
      The leadership at KFF wishes for continued growth and expansion and this must be completed in a manner that minimizes risk and keeps the organization ahead of the competition in the markets the firm has chosen. This paper presents strategies which...