Language for Learning Accreditation


|NAME: Jane Cousins                                                                                                                               |
|SESSION: 1 - Introduction                                                                                                                         |
|DATE: 12th March 2014                                                   |VENUE: Woodlands Place, Gillingham                                       |

|How has the session impacted upon your professional development, i.e. knowledge, skills, insight, support network?                               |
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|The session has had a big impact on my professional development as a SENCO.                                                                       |
|The skills model of Speech, Language and communication highlights the amount of skills involved in being able to converse with people.   I shared |
|this with staff during briefing.                                                                                                                 |
|The 2006 ICAN survey shows that up to 50% of children have ‘impoverished language.’ However, with quality teaching and language support in school|
|these children have can catch them up.   This shows how important it is for teachers to actively plan activities to develop children’s language.   |
|I also found it very interesting that a Speech, Language and Communication Need is far more common than Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia   |
|and yet people know far less about SLCN.                                                                                                         |