Lap Report Calcium Carbonate + Hci

Aim: To investigate the effect of surface area on the rate of a reaction
Hypothesis: The small calcium carbonate chips chips will lose more mass than the bigger calcium carbonate chips because the bigger surface area the more collisions between the particles of the solid and liquid reactants, the more collisions the faster the rate of the reaction.
Independent: Size of marble chips
Dependent: Loss of mass (grams)
Controlled: Amount of Hydrochloric acid (40cm3)
Dilute Hydrochloric acid (40ml3)       top pan balance       large marble chips (10g) of calcium carbonate
Conical flask (100ml)           eye protection         small marble chips (10g) of calcium carbonate
Measuring cylinder (250ml)               stopclock
1. Create a table with 20 empty rows because the experiment can take up to 600 seconds, create 4 rows sideways including the weight and weight loss every 30 seconds for the large chips and the same for the small chips.
2.Place the large marble chips on a balance, the weight must be 10 grams, weight the calcium carbonate chips inside a conical flask (100ml) and write it down. Measure 40ml3 of dilute hydrochloric acid in a measuring cylinder (250ml).
3. Place the conical flask with the large marble chips inside on the balance, pour the acid in the flask and start the timing. Every 30 seconds record the weight.
4.When the experiment is finished calculate the loss of mass and repeat the experiment using the small chips, you can also set the balance for it to only record the loss of mass. For bigger reliability repeat the experiment more times and create a graph after the data is processed.

Evaluation: The experiment was testing how the rate of a reaction can be affected by surface area large and small calcium carbonate chips were used both sized weighed the same (10 grams) the liquid particles of the hydrochloric acid react with the solid particles of the calcium carbonate, it is a long experiment so...