Laws and Legislations

Identify the laws and legislations related to Infection Control and Prevention in Health and Social Care, explaining how these are followed on a day to day basis.  

The health and safety at work act 1974, control of substances hazardous to health regulation 2002, personal protective equipment at work regulation 1992, provision of work equipment regulation 1998 and reporting of diseases, injuries and dangerous occurrences regulation 1995

We follow these laws every day by keeping the workplace clean and tidy wearing PPE and washing our hands before and after every task. Taking the right equipment with us when we attend personal care in clients rooms so we can dispose of used pads, dirty clothes, laundry and leave the room clean and tidy. When using equipment such as shower trollies, shower chairs and hoists they must always be cleaned every time they are used. Sluice rooms must be kept clean and tidy with clinical and infectious waste removed to outside bins

Describe the organisation’s policies and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infection.

CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH REGULATIONS 2002, Under COSHH   there are a range of substances regarded as hazardous to health. These are substances or mixtures of substances classified as dangerous to health under the chemicals hazard information and packaging for supply regulations 2002.

Duty of employer are To ensure as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees, To provide instruction, training and supervision, To provide a safe workplace, Provision, inspection and maintenance of equipment, Responsibility to carry out safe storage and transporting of loads, To provide free protective clothing, PPE.

Duty of employee are To take reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and others persons around you, Be prepared to cooperate with your employer such as training, and ask for information relating to their work, Understand the...