Own/Organisational Formal Systems of Assessment/Appraisal System and the Value of Them
As an Organisation we take our responsibility seriously to ensure all our staff participates in comprehensive supervisions and Performance appraisals on a regular basis.
All staff employed by our Organisation are informed of the existence of our Policy on Supervisions and Appraisals during the Induction Process.
It is a requirement under the Care Standards Act 2000 that all staff are adequately supervised on a regular basis and that we as an organisation are able to evidence how and when this happens.
All Supervisions must include clear and constructive feedback about the individuals learning, development and performance and will make reference to our Company’s Strategic Business Plan and any agreed key Performance Indictors or KPI s we often refer to them as.
As a manger I conduct formal assessments for my staff teams using the Supervision process on a regular basis, this are 1-1 meetings between the staff and myself .I feel that the most important benefit of regular supervisions is that it enables staff and myself to agree what we as a team are trying to achieve.
I feel a key aspect of this process is making sure that all staff are aware of our organisations Polices, vision, goals and strategy. Supervisions are a two process, it must be focused, reflective and mutually accountable which actively is aimed at improving knowledge, skills and actual performance of the staff.
Monitoring by me as a manager of this management assessment tool can serve to improve individual and team performance.
These 1-1 supervisions have an agreed agenda, minutes must be taken and will always include any training that has taken place and how this has been implemented into the workplace and the impact it had on the staff members quality of work, it will include any SMART objectives...