Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Leadership Definition 2
2.1 Leadership Models 2
2.2 Benefits of Leadership 3
2.3 Leadership Skills and Competences 4
3.0 Mentoring Definition 4
3.1 Mentoring Models 4
3.2 Mentoring Benefits 5
3.3 Mentoring Skills and Competences 6
4.0 Links between Leadership and Mentoring 6
5.0 Description of the Leadership Context 7
6.0 Justification of Theoretical Framework 7
7.0 Assessing Own Potential to Lead 7
8.0 Application of the Context to the Theoretical Framework 8
8.1 Intellectual Stimulation 9
8.2 Individualized Consideration 9
8.3 Idealized Influence 10
8.4 Inspirational Motivation 10
9.0 Areas for Improvements 10
10.0 Conclusion 11
11.0 Reference 12
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this assignment is to have a better understanding of the concept of leadership and mentoring by searching and discussing. In Part A, I will discuss about leadership and mentoring in different aspect, such as the definitions, theories, benefits and the skills needed to become a potential leader or mentor.
However, in Part B of the assignment will discuss on how I apply the theory in Part A into my previous experience of becoming a Youth Scout. Besides, I will mention about the strength that I had to become a leader. Furthermore, I will also focus on the areas that need to be improving in order to become an effective leader.
2.0 Leadership Definition
At some point in this life, there are people who greatly changed the way a person looks at the world and at life. Today, every person is surrounded by people that they called leaders. This happens in business, in school, and in government. According to the author Jago, a person is made to be a good leader not born. Effective leader can be achieve if the person has the determination. Furthermore, great leaders can be better by training non-stop, self-study, experience and also education (Jago, 1982).
The term leadership is defined differently by various authors,...