
Hi Rodney,
Many researchers found out that, leaders, are the result of different challenging situations and depending on this different leadership qualities will develop.
They also went to the extent that different styles of leadership will change the situation.(Burke ,Stagl ,Salas,Klein 2006).
Transactional leaders are   the key persons   paying attention to maintain the normal flow of operations. They are using disciplinary power and incentives to motivate individuals to perform at their best.   This type of leader essentially motivates subordinates by exchanging rewards for performance.
Transactional leaders provide distinct advantages through their abilities to address small operational details quickly. This style will be more effective on short run ,when the mainly   concerned is   making sure everything flows smoothly at present time. However, a transactional leader in general does not look ahead in strategically guiding an organisation.(Cummings et all 2008)
Conversely, a transformational leader goes beyond managing day-to-day operations and establishes strategies for taking his team, department or organisation to a higher level of performance. Transformational leadership styles focus on team-building, motivation and collaboration with employees at different levels of an organization to accomplish change for the better.   Peoples are inspired by the leader,and the leader should provide opportunities for personal and professional growth for each employee.(Bassett et all ,2012).

According to this theories I do agree that different management styles should be used in different situations.
For example, when it comes to front-line nursing supervisors, a transactional leadership style can be more effective. Night supervisors for all hospital will be much more effective if they are concerned with ensuring all of the various departments run smoothly, rather than spending their time thinking up better ways to reduce infections rate in neonatal unit.
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