Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity
Animol Aphrem
HLT310 V-Foundations of Spirituality in Health Care
Grand Canyon University
March 24, 2013
Patients are coming from different countries, religions and cultures. A professional nurse should know the spiritual and religious practices of each patient and family who come in the hospital. In the time of crisis situation regarding religious needs it is very important to know about the different practices of religions. It is very important to fulfill patient’s religious belief, it may positively affect the outcome of illness and patient can manage their hospital stay easier. As a health care provider we should keep in mind that not to impose our belief to patients mind as well as not to under estimate their beliefs. Nurses should respect the religion and belief of patient which can honor and promote the dignity of the patient. Nobody can say that belief should be considered right or wrong. Instead, the professional nurse can conduct a spiritual assessment to a sacred conversation which provide the patent with valuable information for good care. This paper examines difference in spirituality between Buddhist, Sikh and Shintoism in comparison with treatment, healing and illness in hospitalized patients.
America itself is the only “westernized” country without any universal healthcare, along with Africa (exception of South Africa) India, the Philippians and others. While many argue that America is in need of a health care system, many of its recipients (not all) are unemployed and blew their chances at school. But also many are poor and can’t afford necessary health care especially in our current economy. It is essential for those who cannot take care of themselves to receive the proper care to maintain a healthy and happy life. Health care is a legitimate function of our government. It is very important do a comprehensive spiritual assessment of every...