Learning Methods

What aspects of these methods would you use in your classroom today? Why? And what aspects would you leave out? Why?
Nowadays teachers have to retrain themselves continually to be able to respond to the great changes which take place in the knowledge society. Moreover they have to observe their students and be very attentive to them in order to know what the best way to teach them is. That is why we, as future teachers, have to research different teaching methods to distinguish what aspects are appropriate to be implemented in our classroom from those which should be excluded because they are not appropriate to be developed within the teaching and learning process.
As we have already seen, every teaching method and practical decision must be based on a theoretical approach and a design and different classroom techniques are also included. Teachers can not follow different approaches at the same time but they can choose different practices of each method according to the particular context (students’ characteristics and needs, school’s resources, available time...) they are dealing with since there is no an ideal method to be implemented in all contexts. Advantages and disadvantages of all the methods we have already seen are analysed in the following paragraphs to determine what aspects I would practise when teaching a second language. We also have to keep in mind that the present demands of the educational system always need to be taken into account.
First of all, the early methods from 17th to 18th century focused on language (basically Latin and Greek) as an intellectual discipline rather than a tool for communication. In this way, grammar and written translation together with rhetoric exercises were the main points and all of them were learned by hard.   In my opinion, today it is clear that we can not force our students to learn without relating knowledge to its real meaning. Students have to understand everything...