Abstract & Back Ground 1
Introduction 2
Body of Content 3
- Finding
-Situational Problem 4
Dispositional Problem 5
Institutional Problem 6
The Effect of These Problems 7
Recommendations 8
References 9
I undertook this research out of a passion to show that we can better understand what are the problems that are faced by walking adults e-learners. Some of the basic assumptions under-pinning adult education are that adult tend toward self-directedness, that adult learning needs are generated by real-life problems and that adults wish to apply acquired knowledge and skills (Knowles,1980).
Situational problems are those related to one's situation in life at a given time. These include lack of time due to job and home responsibilities, transportation problems, lack of childcare and so on. Dispositional problems refer to one's attitude about learning and perception as a learner. This includes lack of confidence, the feeling of too old to learn and bored with learning. Institutional barriers are those erected by learning institutions that include inconvenient schedule, compulsory attendance, restrictive locations and the like which discourage working adults from participating in educational activities. Darkenwald and Merriam (1982) also cite institutional and situational problems but divide the dispositional problems into psychological obstacles (beliefs, values and perception about education or about oneself as a learner) and informational, which reflects the lack of awareness as to what educational opportunities are available.
As adult enrolment increases in colleges and other educational institutions, both students and education providers cite retention as the most perplexing problem. Two obvious barriers to...