
Timothy S. Hawley
History 260 (History of Russia)
March 5, 2011

And early pioneers of Communist Theory

Lenin was an amazingly gifted leader but his genius was most likely tainted with bitterness, discontent and resentment, no doubt, dating back to the year 1887 with the death of his brother for involvement in an assassination plot against Alexander III. This was probably very difficult for Lenin having lost his father just a year prior to this added tragedy in his life. Surviving prison terms, exile, battles of every sort, Lenin rose to power in Russia bringing with him his dream of a utopian society, sensible, practical and most importantly, free for the taking.

Tsarist Russia was wise to Lenin’s sort and took measures to suppress Lenin’s anti-government goals early-on; they unfortunately didn’t stay on task and eventually their lack of “follow-up” became more costly than they could have ever dreamed.   The year 1887 was one of major events for Lenin; his family had moved to Kazan, Russia, on August 3rd of 1887 Lenin enrolled in the Kazan University only to be expelled again for involvement in the “student’s revolutionary movement” on campus December 7th of the same year.   As a result of his subversive activities he was exiled from Kazan to the village of Kokushkino, under the surveillance of the tsar’s   secret police.   A year later he was permitted to return to Kazan where his family still resided.

At this time, Lenin began to study the works of Karl Marx;   armed with these new ideas and concepts, Lenin set out to further develop and proliferate his personal political goals and ambitions, he had to find a way to develop and expand on his theories without the “secret police” catching word of his activities as apparently happened before in the case of his brother and the attempted assassination of Alexander III.   This “secret police” of the tsar administration would prove to be a valuable concept to him later on. (M.K.Dziewanowski),...