
Course: CISCO IT Essentials Part 2 Tutor:
Room: Time of Session: 9:30 Session: 1 Group ITE2 Clients
Date: 17/01/05 Day: Monday Topic: Operating Systems Fundamentals
Equipment: Multimedia white board, Handouts, Online Materials, PowerPoint Presentations, PC Hardware
Target Outcomes/Objectives: at the end of this session the student will be able to:

 Identify the differences between home computer and server operating systems.
 Identify computers running the Linux operating system.
 Identify computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Main Teaching and Learning Activities
 Describe the client server model
 Explain the difference between Microsoft and Linux operating systems
 Explain some of the situations these may be used in
 Questions & Answers Student
 Listening and observing
 Identify appropriate software usage
 Questions
Assessment of Learning (during and subsequent to tutoring)
Oral: Questions & Answers Observations: of correct working practice Completion of tasks set, Online assessment to complete.
Tutor Evaluation

Course: CISCO IT Essentials Part 2 Tutor:
Room: Time of Session: 9:30 Session: 1 Group ITE2 Clients
Date: 17/01/05 Day: Monday Topic: Operating Systems Fundamentals
Session Schedule
Time Activity
9:30 – 10:15
Register and centre induction.

Introduction to course and how to access online materials, student sign up to CISCO website.

Explain various aspects of network operating systems.

10:30 – 12:30
PowerPoint Presentation using interactive whiteboard.

Questions and Answer session.

Operating System Basics.

13:30 – 14:30
Microsoft Windows Basics.

UNIX and Linux on the Desktop.

Reading of online curriculum.

14:45 – 15:45
Chapter 1 online assessment.

15:45 – 16:00
Chapter 1 Assessment overview and outcomes.

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